Display of instantaneous vehicle speed and other operating information
Display of instantaneous vehicle speed and other operating information
The TTU-32 display unit is used in connection with the recording unit as a tachograph.
Besides instantaneous speed and the total driven distance, the display unit also displays other information e.g. time, temperature, pressure, fuel and lubricant quantities, battery charge, used and recuperated energy, etc. It also enables running and evaluating a vehicle's brake test.
Together with a speed sensor, it may be used as a simple speedometer.
We offer several speedometer designs with digital or analogue, rectangular or circular displays.
Trip recording unit
Trip recording unit
The TTZ-62 is a recording unit used to record the operation.
The most significant monitored value is speed. Other monitored values are e.g. fuel consumption, energy, operating hours, travel direction identifier, possible position coordinates sharing, etc.
Tachograph data analysis
Tachograph data analysis
We provide T62win and N62win software for evaluating and adjusting data analysing features
The software is simple, intuitive and very user friendly. The advantages are intuitive controls with context-sensitive help, graphical or tabular representation of data, statistical processing of operating parameters, etc.
Upgrades available for the TT-62 set
Suitable for all railway vehicles equipped with the TT-62 tachograph set
Authorized vehicle access system for drivers
The ES-62.X card reader only allows authorized persons to access the vehicle. It is connected to a driver database.
more…Fuel measurement
The capacitive level meters are used for very precise measurement of fuel levels in tanks. Their new design allows detection of unauthorized fuel handling. Quick return on investment.
more…Video recording
Efficient analysis of operation, completed with a visual display of the area around the vehicle. This allows monitoring of the close proximity of the vehicle with up to 4 video cameras and, thanks to time synchronization of the video recordings with the data and signals stored in the recording units, simplifies accident investigation.
more…Time and location synchronisation
The GPS-62.1 module receives GPS or GLONASS signals and allows for exact synchronisation of time with current vehicle coordinates
more…Instantaneous speed sensor
Instantaneous speed is monitored by a PZ series speed sensor, available in several versions. Information from the sensor is processed by a speedometer or a recording unit. The sensors are non-contacting and easy to install into a vehicle. Subject to approval, it is also possible to use sensors already installed in the vehicle.
Wireless data transfer
RTW is used for wireless transfer of data via WiFi.